Thursday, September 29, 2005

Biblical equality

I was intrigued by a post by Steve Court from Wed. Sept. 21 (see side panel). He talked about Biblical Equality and referred us to the website (among other things). All I can say is Hallelujah! Equality between men and women as a biblical concept - go figure!

I'm tired of hearing sexist comments and hearing people naturally accept those comments because they say they're based on the Bible. I'm tired of meeting Christian men and women who think that "feminism" is a dirty word meaning "man-hater" or something. I'm tired of references to how I'm not doing my Christian wifely duty if I'm not cooking for my husband. I'm tired of meeting capable, talented, intelligent Christian women who are being held back in their churches because of their gender. I'm tired of hearing that most women simply can't be effective preachers or worship leaders or whatever because of their "womanly" characteristics.

The Salvation Army was initially revolutionary in its value of women, its acceptance and promotion of ordaining women, encouraging women to preach, etc. May it continue and be radical (rooted) in its view of Biblical equality.


Gordon said...

I'm tired of it too!

Tired of sending letters back to DHQ addressed to me on issues when Kate deals with it. Tired of getting letters to me and not even acknowledging Kates existence. Tired when officers visit and assume I will take the lead.

We just keep on challenging the stereo-types but even that gets tiring.

Anonymous said...

I am with you, Rochelle. I have blogged about this several times - to much varied response.

I am tired of people justifying injustice and oppression by misquoting and misunderstanding biblical literature.
