Saturday, May 12, 2007

Water vs. Electricity

Did you ever have those debates as a kid about which would be harder - being blind or deaf? This week I've been having my own debate about which is better - water or electricity. Water won. Clean water is wonderful. I love drinking it, bathing in it, washing my hands with it, looking at it even... Water is life.

But electricity is also nice. It's the talk of the town because of these anticipated 20 hour/day power cuts. We had two friends over last night, and they were wondering if electricity is going to be something from the past that they tell their children about... Electricity is lovely. It allows me to write this blog to you. It allows me to boil my water so that I can drink it. Electricity gives light, and heat (remember: it's becoming winter here!) and makes cooking a lot easier. Electricity also allows me to listen to music (right now I'm listening to the Elizabeth Shepherd Trio - she's an old friend and very talented - check it out).

Speaking of good music - tonight is U.T.G.C.'s Gospelfest and live recording... if you're in Toronto, check it out. I'm a bit biased because I sang with them for 7 years, but they ARE awesome!

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

Woops - Gospelfest was last week! :) Sometimes when you're on the other side of the world, you get your dates confused...