Sunday, July 23, 2006

UNO, Roti and Joel's Birthday

Bringing UNO (the card game) to Zim was definitely a good idea. The kids around here love it. John was out Saturday morning at a Territorial Stakeholders' Meeting, and as fun as it sounded, I decided to stay home. Some boys came over and played cards, and then we all baked peanut butter cookies together (men in Zim don't do any kind of kitchen work, so I thought it was a mildly subversive way of promoting feminism!). Later a friend came over and said she wanted to try something "Canadian." I suggested Kraft Dinner, and she was quite excited to try my ethnic food. Unfortunately, as I was cooking it, she looked at the box, and got quite alarmed by all of the ingredients (acids, etc.) I tried to explain that in North America we eat a lot of processed foods, and that it's ok. The more I tried to explain it, the more I realized I probably shouldn't be convincing someone to eat un-natural foods! She was looking at our bookshelf and asked about the book "Who are these Salvationists?" She asked, "who is Shaw Clifton (the authour) anyway?" I explained that actually, he's the General of The Salvation Army. Her response was, "well then, shouldn't he know who these Salvationists are already?" :) John made delicious beef roti for dinner, and we celebrated our "Island" roots. Then, we went to hear a concert of a 5 woman group called "African Voice." It was AMAZING. Listening to the Southern African tunes, I had one of those "wow - I live in Africa with John - God made my biggest dream ever come true" moments.

P.S. Happy Birthday to my little brother Joel. Joel is deep, fun, funny (in a Dave Ivany sort of way), very talented and terribly good looking. Joel - I love you as a friend and a brother. Happy 26th!

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