Saturday, July 08, 2006

So city

This morning I went to take my bath and there were hundreds of ants
swarming all around our bathtub and the floor. Yuck! Of course, my
first instinct was to beckon my heroic, insect-killing husband, but he
left for a band trip to Chinhoyi this morning. So, I had to take
control of the situation. I grabbed some toilet paper, and starting
smushing and squishing as many as possible. It felt sort of like a
movie scene - me at war with the ants with Vivaldi's 4 Seasons playing
in the background! As soon as I got most of them out of the bathtub, I
turned on the water. No hot water today. I had a fairly short bath,
because, well, it was cold, and there dead ants floating on the top of
the water.

I went to wash my hair in the kitchen sink, and I love hot water, so I
decided to be clever, and boil some water first. I put the hot water
in a juice jug, and tried mixing that with the running cold water. It
worked fairly well, and my hair has a lovely juicy raspberry scent.
You don't think ants are attracted to that sort of thing, do you?

Sometimes I just feel "so city" (to quote our friend Geoff). John's
more used to camping and stuff. Although, the other day, as he was
breaking up cow manure with his bare hands to put on our garden, he
even had an "I'm so city" moment. Speaking of cows, I had cow heart
for the first time this week. A little chewy...

1 comment:

Gordon said...

We learned that a good slap seemed to send the ants scurrying. A bowl of sugar swarming with ants would only need a big bang on the table and they'd run off!

BTW have you discovered charlie chikankata's blog - another expat coming to terms with Africa?