Thursday, April 05, 2007

Off to CapeTown - Happy Easter!

We're flying to CapeTown today. I am SO excited. I was there in 1998, and it's one of the most beautiful places on earth. John is running his first ultramarathon (56km) on Saturday (Josh's birthday - love you Josh!!). I feel tired just thinking about 56km, but he's very excited, and I know he'll be fabulous! It's called the Two Oceans, and you run from one ocean to the next, so I'm guessing that it's a pretty cool run. Easter in CapeTown should be amazing. We're staying with some friends, and then spending a few days in Joburg with Stacey and Buhle. This will be John's first trip to SA. I can't wait!

A very happy Easter to everyone! May the suffering Jesus on the cross move your heart to compassion, and may the victorious risen Jesus cause your whole body and spirit to dance and rejoice!

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