Friday, June 08, 2007

Sometimes love looks like...

Sister Rosemary is a legend. She is the nun who runs St. Monica's. She is one of those people who has been to hell and back several times, and yet has an infectious joy. She is a strong, independent, wise, intelligent woman with a hearty laugh and an eye for fun. She told me she liked my cheekiness. I was blessed by just spending time with the sisters of the sacred heart in Gulu. I admire their simple life, their commitment to prayer, and their devotion to God. When I left I received big hugs, and they sent me on my way with a huge block of home-made cheese. I love cheese, and it's crazy-expensive in Zim. John and I have been melting it on bread every night. I have discovered that sometimes love looks like cheese.

Sister Rosemary also introduced us to the man who reminded me of God. He is an old man, and his photo is in our gallery. His daughter was captured by the LRA, and she disappeared into the bush where no one heard from her for years. This old man never stopped crying, praying, hoping, and singing songs about his daughter. She is back now. I just loved that image of the Father's heart. I think God is like that - loving His children, singing over us, always hoping and waiting for the day we will be reunited. My heart goes out to people who think of God as a harsh, punishing judge. I wish they could meet this old man in northern Uganda. Then maybe they would know...


Ricardo Walters said...

Love looks like cheese. Absolutely. Rich. Comforting. And often, as in your case, sacrificially given. The simple things really do contain the most profound significance, don't they?

Anonymous said...

Hi there, forgive the randomness of this, but i have been looking up St monicas online as i was there for a month in 2005 and am now hoping to be able to fundraise for them through my university, and i saw your blog. My major issue right now with my cunning plan of theatrical fundraising is that i have no contact for sister Rosemary as I have been a bit useless and not kept in touch thus far. Essentially I'm hoping that you will be able to put me back in touch with the nuns up there. My name is Becky Chapple, the sister may remember me as the scottish girl who watched Pride and Prejudice with her and Chelsea, my email address is i will of course understand if you are a tad uncomefortable about sending a total stranger someone elses contact information but if you could help it would be great.
Many thanks