Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Normal life

Ah, back to normal life... when you become thrilled at the sight of a lit lightbulb because it means you have electricity; when you are thrilled that you can "chat" with your Dad or receive an e-mail from your brother; when your co-worker tells you she's going to quit next week because her current salary isn't even covering the cost of 2 weeks' of public transport rides; when the price of bread jumps from $10,000 to $15,000/loaf in the week you are away; when your friend confides that she can't afford vaseline anymore and so is using cooking oil on her skin - but is worried that people will notice the smell and make fun of her; when the "souvenir" you bring home with you for your African mother is pain medication; when everyone is genuinely happy to have you back. It's good to be home.

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