Thursday, September 21, 2006


One of the traditions (or practices) here is that when there is a musical presentation in church (such as a choir singing or someone playing a solo or something) and you really think they're doing a great job, you take some money from your pocket or purse, wave it in the air, ululate and walk up to the front to give the money to the church. This shows that you think the music has been top-notch. On Sunday, our young friend Brilliant was leading the timbrel/tambourine group for young people. And she's good. It made me so happy (and emotional) to see her mom take out this $100 zim bill and wave it around, smiling and dancing the money up to the front. She showed her daughter that she is really proud of her. This sacrificial act of love really touched me because this family doesn't have a lot. The father makes about $15 US a month (with 2 kids). I was really touched. I thank God so much for my own parents, and I wish I could give them a big hug right now! Mom & Dad - thanks for being proud of me - I love you!!!

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