Thursday, June 22, 2006

Public transit

Last night, after Shona class, we decided to take public transit to get back home. Last time we didn't have a ride we took a taxi, and it cost almost $2 million, so we decided to go public transit. We walked for about half an hour to get to the main road, and then got on our first combi to get to the "city centre." Then we walked another 20 minutes (through a nice shady area of town) to get to the next transit station. There, we were directed to a combi that would take us to Braeside (our neighbourhood). The driver thought we should sit up front with him - the special seats. Bad sign number 1: no door handle. Bad sign number 2: the driver reaked of alcohol. Bad sign number 3: he then offered to sell John some marijuana ("special African herbs.") Bad sign number 4: he continued to drink alcohol all the way home. I prayed a lot during our journey. Particularly after we almost crashed into a huge lorry truck when our driver forgot to check his mirror. Although it was a chance to practise our Shona (important phrases such as "careful" and "watch"), I think next time I think we'll just pay the millions. I miss the TTC...

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