Friday, May 09, 2008

Another dream

I had another interesting (less intense) dream last night. I was with a friend (that I don't know in real life) and we went to go buy a sandwich to share. The older lady selling it to us in a cafeteria was very confused. She initially charged $2million and then said $55,000. She was so muddled. So I said to her, "I think the price is $5.5billion." My friend seemed surprised by the price, but I insisted I was right, and we shared the tomato/cheese/lettuce sandwich. Then I woke up from my dream and realized that that would have been about $50US even at blackmarket price. So I tried to go back to the dream to get our money back, but it didn't work. When I was younger, I used to be able to go back to any dream that I thought was particularly interesting. Oh well, you win some, you lose some. I actually slept almost the whole day yesterday. I was home sick - but mostly just exhausted. Everyone says pregnancy is a lot of work, so you need a lot of rest, but I must confess that I just feel lazy. Wednesday I even had to take a little (short) nap under my desk. To think that I ran a half-marathon 6 weeks ago. Now just getting out of bed is a half-marathon! I did wake up in time to have some Kraft Dinner ('cause I heard that more is on the way! - and today got 6 boxes fedexed from an old friend - how sweet is that?!?) and to watch "Rent." Usually I also have a nice, long hot bath on sick days, but the water running from the tap was extremely dirty, so I went in and out - afraid that it would make me more sick.

For Sunday... HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY! None of us would be here without our moms, so let's give them proper honour and love. To my own mom - you have always given me support to dream huge dreams and you have always been there to dry my tears and hug me when my dreams have crashed or taken a twisted route. Thanks - you know I love you. xo

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