Sunday, February 03, 2008

The thrill of ironing

I'm not all that "domestic." I admire people who love cleaning, but I'm not one of them. In fact, in our first year of marriage, whenever I would be scrubbing the floor or the bathtub, John would be subject to (what I had thought were internal) rants about the subjection of women in the institution of marriage, etc. Obviously they were not fair rants since my husband does all the cooking! :) I digress. This morning I woke up at 6am and the power was on. I was so excited because I got to iron. Ah, the gentle hum of the iron, the sweet smell of the steam. People here are very particular about neatness ("smartness") including always wearing pressed clothes. I was laughing at myself for my delight in ironing, but I was honestly thrilled. Even yesterday, I did 2 loads of wash by hand (which is a lot of work!) and then our electricity came on at noon for a few hours and I did some more laundry with our machine. I was so happy! John's getting used to the whole idea of HAVING power once in a while. Yesterday for lunch he started pouring gel into our little cooking stove, when I reminded him that we could use the real stove - the power was on!

P.S. New figures released by the government: inflation is at 24,470%. That's pretty high! We got a good deal on bread yesterday though - only $1.7 million per loaf!

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