Monday, January 14, 2008

Crazy about John

If I had to sum up our weekend I would have to do so by saying that I have the best husband in the world. I'm crazy about John.

It was our first weekend back home, and Friday night was fairly ordinary. We visited some friends and then watched Evan Almighty on the laptop. Saturday morning we went for our long run. John said he was feeling out of shape, so he only wanted to run 21kms (who runs a half marathon when they're out of shape??) I ran further than I ever have before - 14kms in 90 minutes. Oooh, I felt good. I'm not an athlete. I don't have that "push through the pain" attitude, but John has really encouraged me, and I feel so much healthier. When we got home, we decided to have our twice-yearly cockroach extravaganza. We cleared out all the cupboards in our kitchen and did an inventory of our food (by the way - food is coming back into the shops - we even found BEEF the other day - but it's just really, really expensive). We sprayed, scrubbed, washed and attacked. And there weren't nearly as many as last time. They do like popcorn though. I guess it's like maize, and they're Zimbabwean cockroaches after all... I was cleaning some dishes and noticed that the water pressure was getting really low. After awhile, I rushed to the bath to turn on the taps, but after we got an inch of water, the water went off. We shared the inch of water and tried to scrub off running/cockroaches. Like usual John let me use the bath water first (refer back to the weekend's theme!) As it turns out, water was off in the whole city - some sort of fault somewhere.

We decided to go into town to have a pizza and movie. John is still mystified by the whole Zimbabwean thing of talking to neighbours/on cellphone throughout the whole movie, but there were a couple of 14 year old girls who were commenting on how hot he was (true...) so that cheered him up! :) When we came back, the water was still off, so we went to the borehole with our buckets. We got hassled at the borehole, because water carrying is a woman's job. But John defied cultural norms and said that he wanted to help me carry the buckets home. Sunday morning he helped me wash my hair in the cold bucket water, and he never once made me feel badly for being a total suck about lack of water.

Sunday after church our water came on - and phones (so I got to talk to my parents!) The water was a little dirty, but I was just so thankful. I think I may have a minor obsession with being clean, and I really do love water so much... I put a load of wash on to celebrate the return of the water. 30 minutes later there was a flood in our washroom/living room. The dirt from the water had clogged the machine. I am PRAYING that there's no permanent damage. John did politely ask if I thought it was the best idea to do a wash knowing full well that the water was full of sediment, but he just got down on his hands and knees with me and we wiped the floor with towels for hours. He couldn't help but say, "you know, you're really kind and good with people, but I don't think you got enough of the practical sense genes" but he didn't get mad, and just kept mopping. I'm so crazy about John.

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