Wednesday, March 21, 2007


So, have you heard about the Abraham Center of Life? It's the "world's first embryo bank" in San Antonio, Texas, and clients will be able to place orders for ready-made embryos (from looking at detailed profiles of egg and sperm donors). Tailor-made babies! Does this not seem just a little crazy? Does it not just spit in the face of the idea that we are all equal?

In university, we all had to take one science credit, and mine was "Science and Social Choice." We learned a lot about genetic engineering. I wrote a satiric paper based on a dating service where people could choose a mate based on profiles like this. I failed the paper and had to be called in for a special interview with the professor. She was quite concerned about these dangerous ideas, and suggested that I never use satire when writing an academic paper (good point!) I tried to make my paper really exaggerated, but now... was it really that far out of this world? If you can tailor make your baby, why not your life partner too?

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