Today I was walking down a street in my neighbourhood and heard two really loud bangs. tehn I saw guys running away from the gun shots and police running towards them. More gun violence in Regent Park. The thing I found most strange about it was that everything else seemed so normal - parents and young children kept walking down the street, people kept driving by, the wind kept blowing. Just another shooting...
And then tonight I was walking some kids home from squads and one of the girls said, "oh, I prefer this other route. That way we don't have to pass by the crack dealers and they won't bother us." Right. The same girl was telling us last week that she believes that God listens to her prayers because Sunday night she prayed for her mom's safety, and Monday her mom was right by a shooting and didn't get hurt.
I am continually amazed at what kids in my neighbourhood grow up with and become accustomed to. Just another walk in the neighbourhood.