Saturday, February 10, 2007

A little lighter

And now for something a little lighter... I remember as a young teen meeting a missionary from Africa who was home on furlough, and she was wearing a skirt and her legs were so hairy. And I thought, "man, she is totally out of touch - she doesn't even know you're supposed to shave your legs!" Well, I wear more skirts now than I ever have, and I just looked down - yikes! (By the way - I love the whole don't-worry-about-nylons-when-wearing-your-uniform thing!) Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever fit in when we go home... The other day I was reading a scene in a book where a man drops breadcrumbs in his son's grave so that the birds will come, eat them and give him company. My reaction was: wow - that's quite a sacrifice to give his dead son bread, since it's so hard to come by. Right.

P.S. Huge shout out to Kathy, Carie and our dear parents who all sent chocolates in time for Valentine's. God is good (and so are they!)

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