Saturday, November 11, 2006

Ethical Dilemmas

The other day I bought a sugar doughnut as a treat. After I started eating it, a man came up to me and started begging. My dilemma – give him the half-eaten doughnut or just keep eating it in front of him. I ended up giving him the half-eaten doughnut, but it felt terrible and undignified to give him something half-eaten, and not even healthy.

Flour is scarce in the shops these days. John promised a friend of ours that we would give her some. So, I went into the jar, and there were ants crawling in it. My dilemma – give her flour with ants or nothing at all. I went for the ants, but again, it felt like an assault to her dignity to give her something “tainted.”

Of course, I know the easy answer to these dilemmas – go buy another doughnut; go buy some more flour. But friends, keep in mind that we make $10US/month! Speaking of being poor, this relates to John's last post about my article in Faith & Friends (a Canadian Salvation Army magazine). The article is about how Zimbabweans have really been teaching us the art of sharing. The article finishes with, “It makes me wonder, who are the poor ones: them or us?” I never wrote that! It offended me too. I live my life trying to break down barriers between “us” and “them.” I am not naïve enough to think that there are not differences between us, but people in Zimbabwe aren’t “poor people” to us – they are our friends.


Anonymous said...

Being edited is always a bit scary. An editor can save you from saying things you didn't intend ... or change an important nuance with a slight 'improvement.' It's always reassuring if the editor shows you the final proof of the piece going out under your name ...

Anonymous said...

You are beautiful Rochelle.

I'm glad you are there.

I miss you.


Christina said...

Funny...when I read your article, I thought, what a terrific article! When I got to the end, I was a little jarred. I'm really glad you didn't write that last line. It didn't sound like you at all. They should have stopped at the second to last line.

I hope you give 'em heck!

...but that wouldn't be like you either! :)

Love you,

Steve said...

Hope you guys are doing well.

I was pointed to this post after a friend pointed me a to another post here:

He asked me if I knew anything about the post - I didn't yet I've been quoted.

Weird, eh!