Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter with Addicts

We spent a lovely Easter weekend with the McAlisters at Hope Acres.
Hope Acres is a 6 month residential recovery centre for men addicted
to alcohol or drugs. I was challenged and blessed by speaking with
many of the men over the course of the weekend.

One conversation in particular struck me. The gentleman was talking
about how impressed he was that John and I are going to Africa, and
said that he would love to do something like that, if he could ever
overcome his addiction. He said, "you know, most people don't beat
their addiction. I know that. I know that most people don't make it.
But the ones that do seem to do something amazing with their lives.
So, I'm just hoping that I'm one of those. I'm hoping I'm one of the
ones who makes it." I was humbled, and just filled with hope for this
man (and for all of the men that we met) that he WOULD make it, and
beat the incredible odds, and have a fullness of life.

Easter Sunday morning, I was blessed by so many of these guys singing
so loudly and exuberantly in church. And I thought, "yep, that's what
Easter's about - new life. Joy that comes from realizing you have new

Oh, and my brother Joel wrote a really moving Good Friday monologue -
it's on his blog if you want to check it out.

1 comment:

sixonefour said...

Hey Rochelle - that is a reallly profound statement out of that man's mouth...I appreciate that observation. I wonder if it goes back to Luke 7:47:

"She was forgiven many, many sins, and so she is very, very grateful. If the forgiveness is minimal, the gratitude is minimal." The Message

There's something about breaking free from a spirit of addiction that makes you feel like 'If God can do THAT I believe He can - and will- do anything...and you just take off runnin' to see what He'll do next.
Thanks for sharing - I feel really, really encouraged. I like your style sista'...I appreciate that your face is unveiled...