Thursday, December 11, 2008

Almost 3 weeks old

Apparently, time flies when you're a new mom. Tomorrow Kieran Tinashe will be 3 weeks old. I remember 3 weeks ago today - all of the anticipation and waiting; all the normalcy (we went for Japanese food, watched movies and I did the irnoning) and craziness (intense contractions!!) of the day. And then our baby being born!! Our lives changed forever!

I love being a mother. As soon as Kieran was born I started bawling. I cried for a good 10 minutes before I said anything because I was completely overwhelmed with love. Those were my first words - "I just love him so much." It was instant and immediate. Of course I loved him while he was growing inside of me for 9 months, but as soon as I heard him and saw him... and then got to hold him... wow - nothing like it.

In honour of the 3 weeks, here are 3 of my favourite things that my baby boy does:

1. He gets excited about his bottle. Newborns sleep a lot, but they wake up when they are hungry. Kieran cries until the moment when the bottle comes to his mouth. Then his head shakes a little and he brings both his hands to his face - like he is ready to box. He's so happy! It's very cute to watch, and a humbling reminder that he is totally dependent on us for survival.

2. He snuggles well. Is there anything more peaceful than holding a sleeping baby? Or having him lie on your chest while you both have a nap? Or gazing into his face and watching him fall asleep or wake up? Or just looking into his eyes and having a good chat at 4am? He's a really good snuggler.

3. He makes people happy. I prayed for a mild-tempered and sociable baby and God heard my prayers. Kieran is not too fussy and so we've been able to be out and about a little bit. Wherever we go, he makes people happy - whether it's at a homeless dinner or a gospel choir concert or at church or at THQ or just on the street (people smile at you if you have a baby stroller!) People love seeing a baby. It brings out the best in people, and it's a beautiful thing to watch. My son is a joy-bringer. I'm such a proud mom...


fireafloppingvolley said...


I don't know what else to say!

Anonymous said...

It is great to get an update, I have been checking your site regularly for new photos or stories of how you are all going. Thanks so much for sharing some of your life with us. I am so happy for you.


Renee said...

I was checking out your pictures with your new little one. It amazes me how fast they turn into teenagers. Just think next year he will be into ripping paper and then wanting to play with the box, it will be fun. Again you have a beautiful little angel. God has surely blessed you..

Anonymous said...

Hello, I was searching for a saxaphonist by the name John Rochelle came upon your page on accident. After reading I just couldn't leave without saying hi and to tell you enjoy your baby because they grow up so fast. My son is 10 now and as I was reading I started to think back to my days with my son when he was a newborn. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Debbie here again. I came to see new photos and hear how life is going for your guys. Thinking of you... hope you had a wonderful first Christmas together.