Thursday, November 08, 2007


My mom & dad sent us the movie "Click" which we got in the mail yesterday and watched last night (did you know that we've had power for 4 nights in a row? It's a bit eerie!) I wasn't expecting to get anything out of an Adam Sandler movie, but I was actually quite moved by the story. If you haven't heard of it (I have no idea if it's new or old) - it's about a guy who gets a magical remote control and starts fastforwarding his life (intentionally and then unintentionally) so that he can skip showers and fights with his wife and sickness and boring times at working waiting for a promotion. And he learns to absolutely dread this fastforwarding because although he is skipping over tough times, he is also missing out on amazing moments and years! I cried (and this was ALMOST as ridiculous as crying at "Jack Frost"!) but it was just really touching to remember that in all of the tough times there are good times, and I don't want to fast-forward through any of my life. I want to live it and feel it - with all the ups and downs, feasts and famines, tears and laughs, hugs and fights. Life is the great adventure.


Anonymous said...

Haha. It's funny how comedies can move you: I cried in Bruce Almighty - can you believe it? Something very emotional about that movie... lol. No, but seriously!

Anonymous said...

Jenn and I picked this one for you guys to watch. Jenn was crying like a baby, so don't feel bad.

I can't wait to see you guys next month!!!!!!!!


Love you,


Heather said...

Try crying during "The Goofy Movie".... the bit where Sam throws the possum hat that Goofy gave him out the window of the car gets me everytime.