Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone!
Isn't it amazing that God became a baby?
John and I are doing well. We had a few good days with Mom & Dad McAlister and James and Lindsay. And today we celebrated Christmas Ivany styles. We didn't expect to be in Toronto this Christmas, but we are blessed to be surrounded by family. It's so nice to have Kirsten and Josh home - and Kirst's friend Crystal.
I've had a really emotionally volatile month (thank you for your patience, John and Sherri!) but God is good.
Today is boxing day. It would seem that it is the holiday that unites people of all faiths - consumerism! Supposedly in an average day, a North American Christian spends 7 times more time in front of the t.v. than in worship, prayer and Bible reading combined. No wonder we keep wanting more. Yikes. But, as for t.v.... you have to admit - LOST is fairly addictive...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TV....very, very addictive..i mean i'm watching reruns of shows that I"ve probably seen at least some of them 3 times alive. I'm probably wasting that time not doing important things like school readings...oh well, haha. Oh dear....